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Problem with dselect....

 Hopefully, someone familiar with dselect can help me with this one....

On one system I've got, I've installed and am using ZMailer.   No
problems.... well, until I wanted to ugprade the OS from 1.2.x to 1.3.x.

I failed to notice that dselect wanted to install smail (it wasn't
previously installed) because there were some previous dependancies on it.
i.e. mailx  (Which I had previously installed by force...)

Anyway, I let dselect do it's thing and, of course, my whole mail system was
hopelessly corrupted.  smail didn't work, zmailer didn't work.  Mail was
bouncing, queuing, etc. etc. etc.....

My question is:  Is there any way to inform the Debian package system that I
have a "third party" package installed so that dselect, etc. won't "break"
my system in the future?


Kevin Traas   Baan Business Systems
Systems Analyst  Langley, BC, Canada
Kevin@Baan-BBS.CA  (604) 882-8169

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