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Re: Debian and Red Hat and Slackware prevalence

> pass through dselect. One of my projects on my todo list is a subset of
> debian and some local stuff to make an sbay.org linux distribution for
> sbay.org that will install and work with a minimum number of choices given
> to the user.  Once it is installed, the user will be informed about debian
> and the additional software available for their system from debian.org.

This sounds like something I've been thinking about and heard other people talking about but wanting to do it with a Slackware type install.  I have this idea that there could be a subset of Debian packages designed for a single user (home pc) work station.  The user could choose this option in dselect and get that type of installation.  Then it would be as simple as it is now to upgrade packages.  Instead of making a personal Linux distro just create a Debian subset.

Just my 0.02 cents worth - instead of just lurking.


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