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On 31-Jul-97 Christopher Jason Morrone wrote:
>On 30 Jul 1997, Stephen Witt wrote:
>> So, I would hate to see the continuation of a proprietary solution to 
>> a particular problem by the free software development population of
>> the general public.  It goes against nearly every basic part of the
>> Linux/Unix/IP philosopy and in the end denies us functionality and
>> choice.
>I pretty much agree with you.  However I also think that something like
>ICQ might be neat.  I'm thinking of an app with a nice little interface
>like ICQ's, but uses already well established IP tools.
>I, like many others, find it very difficult to tell when my friends are on
>line.  The University of Delaware has some X.500 thing installed, so noone
>can finger into the university and find out if you're logged in.  And even
>if they could, they might have to guess which computer you're
>on...although there are ways to make a finger daemon search multiple
>computers, I know, but more often than not people don't.  (Too much work
>on top of what they already have to do I suppose)
>I'd like an app that will announce to a central server that I'm online (or
>maybe distributed servers that communicate with each other for better
>stability), and that my client can check to see if my friends are logged
>in, where they're logged in, etc.
>Then it could fire up a talk client for you easily.  Personally, I think
>that ytalk is all I need.  Its excellent.  Might need to implement some
>kind of ability to accept talk requests built in to the client on MS and
>Macs and such...I don't know, I haven't thought this out too much yet.
>In any event, there should be an RFC, and the source should be free.  And
>if it isn't written soon ICQ will take over the world. :)

This is also exactly what I would like.  Just a way to find out when and where
my freinds are logged in so I can send them a message they will see imediatly,
and the ability to chat and possibly send files to them.  This would also have
to be a multiplatform system.

I would love to have this as in a free and open form but now the only option I
can see is ICQ or AOL's AIM and right now AIM is the only one working for more
than Windows.

If I were a programer (which I am trying to learn, but not even close yet) I
would try to get something like this started.  But alas I do not yet poses the
technical skills necessary.  Possibly there is someone who does and is

I really think something like this would happen and I have a lot of ideas about
it.  Please let me know if you wan't to talk more.

- -------------------------
E-Mail: Travis Cole <tcole@iname.com> -- <tcole@methow.com>
http://www.methow.com/~tcole -- Get my Public Key here
Date: 30-Jul-97
Time: 21:36:30
640Kb should be enough for anybody
                Bill Gates
- -------------------------
Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


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