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On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Travis Cole wrote:
> >What you really need to do is to encourage their programming team to
> >finish up the Java version of their program which would allow you to run
> >ICQ under Linux and every other platform available.  Just my thoughts.
> >
> The thing about Java is that is soooo sloooowwww.  I would much rather have a
> native Linux version, but If java is all we get then that is good.  And I am

I agree, java is much better than nothing.  However, I might debate with
you that java is so extremely so.  I used to think so too, because all I
was of java was stupid animations on web pages.  However, I have a friend
developing an app in java, and I'm quite impressed.  Well written java
code can work quite well.

With a little utility to keep tabs on your friends, after the initial
loading phase there wouldn't be much practical difference between java and

I wouldn't want to run a java version of xemacs, but apps smaller than
that can run suprisingly well if WRITTEN well. :)

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