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Re: Quotas & Mail Spool file

At 10:23 AM 29/07/97 -0700, mike@bcinternet.com wrote:
>	Turn quota's on for /var where the mail spools are
>(/var/spool/mail)  That should do it, since each user owns their own

Unfortunately this doesn't work for users who install Smail (I've only ever
installed Smail because of bugs that seem to keep popping up with others'
all the time over the years) because smail copies the file as root to thier
mail file.  This means that the user won't be able to retrieve their mail,
fair enough, but their mail file can keep getting bigger and bigger.

If anyone's got a solution under this with smail I'd like to hear it :-)


Karl Ferguson
Tower Networking Pty Ltd   Tel: +61 8 9456 0000     karl@tower.net.au
t/a STAR Online Services   Fax: +61 8 9455 2776     karl@debian.org

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