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I'm not going to be able to read this list for the next couple of weeks
and with the current level of traffic, the mailbox at my ISP will
probably fill (and I don't want to wade through 2 weeks worth of
posting, besides).  I'll send unsubscribe to debian-announce-REQUEST and
debian-user-REQUEST @lists.debian.org unless there's some way to suspend
service temporarily that you all may suggest. TIA
Ralph Winslow		      rjw@nac.net
The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
debian-user-request@lists.debian.org . 
Trouble?  e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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