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X problem?

I have upgraded to Debian 1.3.1 and now sattrack runs, and the display
opens, but the lower 3/4 of the screen is corrupted. Its hard to describe
what the problem is, but here goes...

There are several zig-zag 'lines' running vertically down the screen. I
have remade sattrack, thinking the new libs might have something to do
with it, but no go...

I really like to keep track of the shuttle and mir, and I can with the
predictions, but X is so much nicer.

When I right click (afterstep) outside the window, the screen cleans up.
also, when switching from a vc to X, the screen is clean for about 1/2

Any Ideas?

Walter L. Preuninger II                        waldo @ irc.wasteland.org:#unix
walterp@rapidramp.com                         http://www.rapidramp.com/~walterp

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