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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V97 #528

Hi all,

well the subject says everything ... I have 3 boxes and I was wondering how 
can I set only one of them to hold most of the packages and the other three 
just to have the bare minimum to work (in case of crash I'd like to still use 
them as X-server).

I would like to keep using the dpkg and such, so that I have the /etc and 
configuration files updated, but I'd like to do that just once. Is it 
possible? Which is the best way to go?


"I'ho tanti vocavoli nella mia lingua materna, ch'io m'ho piu' tosto da dolere 
del bene intendere le cose, che dal mancamento delle parole, colle quali
io possa espriemere il concetto della mente mia." Leonardo Da Vinci

Graziano Obertelli 
E-Mail: graziano@ucsd.edu
Lab's phone: (619) 534 9669

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