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Re: Install Instructions

>>>>> "PATRICK" == PATRICK DAHIROC <patd@wam.umd.edu> writes:

    PATRICK> Hi I recently obtained a copy of Debian Linux 1.3.1 on a
    PATRICK> CD, however there were no instructions accompanying it
    PATRICK> and I looked in the Debian website for instructions for a
    PATRICK> CD installation. Could someone please send me some
    PATRICK> instructions on how to begin the installation.  Do I
    PATRICK> still need the floppy rescue disks and images files?

Look in the stable/disks-i386 directory. There should be a lot of
lovely documentation in there. Also the README at the top of the CD
should help :)

You don't need floppies any more. If your BIOS can boot off of El
Torito CD-ROMs, you can boot right from that. If not, and you're
running a flavor of DOS, just run 'INSTALL.BAT' in the
stable/disks-i386 directory. 

Good luck!

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