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Re: /etc/rc[0-6].d directories missing in Debian 1.3.1

I found the rc directories in /var/backup along with the file rc.symlink
there.  I put them back where they belong.  It still seems important that we
figure out what caused this (maybe this belongs in Debian developer...I can
never tell...)

Anyways, another file that was in /var/backup was rc.symlink....It's nowhere
else on the disk.   Where does it belong?? 


Message from Sam Ockman (ockman@varesearch.com) on 7-23-97:
> I just installed Debian 1.3.1, and spent several harrowing hours getting
> exactly the packages I want (working out dependancies, etc.)  I was just
> about to celebrate, when bam, I realized there were no /etc/rc[0-6]
> directories....
> I'm assuming they haven't been renamed (they are on my Debian 1.3 system)....
> Did some package delete them like my inetd.conf file was deleted by a random
> package in 1.3 days (might have been pre-release days, so it was
> acceptable...)  What's going on?
> Also, does dpkg have verify features like rpm....i.e. the ability to check
> whether MD5 sums, file sizes, dates, permissions, etc. are different then
> what comes with the package?

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