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Re: samba question

"Jens B. Jorgensen" <jjorgens@bdsinc.com> writes:


> Does IP-masq forward broadcasts? Windows Networking relies on network
> broadcast to do name lookups. I've tried to do "windows networking"
> through a firewall and cannot get it to work. (I tried socks5).

Samba's nmbd should provide the WINS service for listing hosts.  Try
pointing your Win95 boxes at the Linux box for WINS.

A different question about Samba: does anyone know how I get an OS/2
Warp Server to show up in the browse list of a Samba server?  I can
conenct to the server OK (with smbclient and smbfs) and `smbclient -L
Win95Machine -U %' lists the Warp server, but not `smbclient -L

		Carey Evans  <*>  c.evans@clear.net.nz

"these are not inherent flaws in [NT] -- they don't happen by accident.
 They are the result of deliberate and well-thought-out efforts." - MS

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