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Meet the Linpeople (Was: Re: EFNet in debian circle)

"Chad" == Chad D Zimmerman <chad@dabcc-www.nmsu.edu> writes:

Chad> We currently have Undernet , Linpeople and EFNet linked together
Chad> through Bots.  Giving people on one irc network access to help
Chad> from the other irc networks.

It occurs to me that an orientation might be helpful here.  Here is a
list of notable net personalities on the Debian and help channels, so
everyone will know who they are talking to.

Plus some help on getting a Linux IRC client set up is in the
LISC mini-HOWTO ("zmore /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/Online-Support.gz").
Basically, install either "ircii" or "bitchx-bin", in the net section.

--- on channel #debian (efnet, undernet, linpeople)

    Debian Deities:

        Che_Fox     Ben Gertzfield
        Culus       Jason Gunthorpe

    Debian Developers:

        borik       Borik Beletsky
        Cevad       Dave Cook
        Culus       Jason Gunthorpe
        Elf         Vadik V. Vygonets
        igor        Igor Grobman
        james       James Troup
        jim         Jim Lynch
        Joey        Martin Schulze
        netgod      Johnie Ingram
        nick        Nicholas Lichtmaier
        vincent     Vincent Renardias

    Devoted Debian Users:

        Adrenolin   Principal of #debian channel on undernet.
        Kysh        Personality: The Lovable, Lickable, Lapdragon (female).
        rcw         Robert C. Woodcock, Debian-Developer-in-training.
        WildOne-    Chad D. Zimmerman, Head of Debian Book Project

    Debian Daemons:

        dpkg        File area has full Debian mirror.
        User68-70   Links #debian on undernet, linpeople, and efnet.

--- on channel #natter (irc.linpeople.org)

    People of Note:

        Crom        Cyclades tech support (http://www.clyclades.com).
        Flood       Author of ProFTPD daemon (http://www.proftpd.org).
        Fishhead    Personality: archnemesis of netgod.
        Hyrlik      Head of Linpeople Quake Clan (http://lpc.linpeople.org).
        lilo        IRC network founder.  Gender indeterminate (female?).
        Whizard     Computer Programmer, United States Geological Survey.
        Yoda        All-around funny guy (http://yoda.oaktree.net).

    Plus 90 other regulars who answer questions and help with linux
    setup.  For list and homepages see http://www.linpeople.org).

--- The major linpeople (Linux Internet Support Cooperative) servers

        varley.linpeople.org          -  T1, Pennsylvania (irc.linpeople.org)
        anne.mccaffrey.linpeople.org  -  T1, Michigan
        james.hogan.linpeople.org     -  (port 8001, also true.blackdown.org)
        robert.forward.linpeople.org  -  T1, Florida
        george.lucas.linpeople.org    -  Delaware
        robert.jordan.linpeople.org   -  Perth, Austrailia
        tolkien.linpeople.org         -  T1, Minnesota (port 8001)

---------------------  PGP  E4 70 6E 59 80 6A F5 78  63 32 BC FB 7A 08 53 4C
   __ _    Debian GNU         Johnie Ingram <johnie@netgod.net>      mm   mm
  / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __        "netgod"    irc.linpeople.org        mm mm
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /                                             m m m
/ /__| | | | | |_| |>  <      Those who do not understand UNIX       mm   mm
\____/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\     are doomed to repeat it, poorly.       GO BLUE

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