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Unable to get virtual fonts to work

I am unable to get virtual fonts and dvips to work--dvips and MakeTeXPK
are unable to find various files (even when I use the Bitstream Charter
fonts delivered with the package).  A search through Altavista turns up
nothing. Can you provide any information on what I may be doing wrong?

My configuration is strictly default, except for addition of a
TEXFONTS=/usr/lib/texmf/fonts//  environment variable. Psfonts.map looks
ok, and so do the other configuration files. Ordinary PS fonts seem to
work--it is the virtual fonts that fail. 

Note correct mailing address: mgross@dorsai.org

TIA for assistance, and apologies if you have seen this problem before
or it is in come piece of documentation I haven't yet seen. 

Murray Gross

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