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Re: changing dpkg depends/tcl7.6-dev


On Fri, 18 Jul 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

> There are many packages which depend on libc5-dev.  In the hamm version
> libc5-dev was changed to libc5-altdev to work around conflicts w/
> libc6...  How can I change some of the packages (such as tcl7.6-dev)
> which depend on libc5-dev to libc5-dev | libc5-altdev?  or are there
> tcl7.6-dev/tk4.2-dev packages for libc6-dev?

Basically, you need to wait for the libc6 versions of those packages and
those development libraries.  Packages linked with libc6 also need all
their support libs linked with libc6, or strange things will happen.  We
(the developers) are working on getting libc6 versions of all the
libraries put out as soon as possible, but that is why we have unstable.

If you really need to develop for stuff not yet available for libc6, I'd
suggest backing out all the libc6-dev packages, and installing the older
libc5 stuff on hold until we finish shaking down libc6 support.

- -- 
                       |       The bond that links your true family is not
    Scott K. Ellis     |      one of blood, but of respect and joy in each
    storm@gate.net     |         other's life. Rarely do members of one
                       |           family grow up under the same roof.
                       |                      -- Illusions

Version: 2.6.3a
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