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Re: libc5 and libc6

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Miller <Paul@LuckyNumber.com> writes:

    Paul> How can I install *BOTH* libc5 and libc6??  Can't we all just
    Paul> get along?  -Paul

As people have said, you can install them both--the packages named
'libc5' and 'libc6'.  The complications are in the '-dev' packages and
the compilation environment.  libc5-dev and libc6-dev cannot coexist.
The current gcc package conflicts with libc5-dev, so if you want to keep
up with unstable, you'll have to install libc6-dev to compile any C

If you want to do that, *and* also be able to compile in a libc5
environment, there are a few packages meant to allow that by having an
alternative gcc and C library on the system: libc5-altdev, altgcc, and
libdl1-altdev (the only ones I've seen).  I haven't tried these.

Hope this clarifies things a little, anyway - 

Ed Donovan					ed@capecod.net

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