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Problem: update-menu not working


I have no entry's in the menu's of fvwm2.  I have just installed Debian
1.3.1 which is supposed to update the fvwm menus with all the packages
installed on my machine.

This has not happened.  I searched and read through all the
documentation I could find and found the command that is supposed to do


Hopever, I have executed this command a number of times and still have
my left mouse button menu as and xterm and the exit menu.

I checked that the correct format files for the packages are in the
stated directories, which they were with no luck.  Then through sheer
desperation, copied all the package files in the default director into
/etc/menu and still I have had no success.  If anyone knows a cure for
this before I have to go and completely re-write my .fvwmrc file I would
be most greatful for the info.

Thanks in advance for any help. 

 John Stevenson	  3rd Yr BSc Soft. Eng.		
  ** Staff/Student Representative **	
 E-mail : J.P.Stevenson@ncl.ac.uk		 
 URL    : http://www.ncl.ac.uk/~n4215605

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