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Named problem..

	Hi, I'm using bind 4.9.5-1 and I'm getting the following warning:
[stress]:~# tail -f /var/log/daemon.log

Jul 16 09:59:00 stress named[4921]: localhost.rev: WARNING SOA refresh value is less than 2 * retry (3600 < 3600 * 2)

	What does it mean?

Carlos Marcos Kakihara (bacate)

Escola de Engenharia de Piracicaba (EEP)
Departamento de Informatica

Telefones:	(019) 421 4982 - Ramal 219 ---> EEP (CPD)
		(019) 429 4373 - Ramal 222 ---> CIAGRI - USP (Piracicaba)
		(019) 434 9347 ---> Republica Boi-Sem-Teta (Piracicaba)


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