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Re: Any AMD users ? troubles with direct mount

Oliver Landsmann <shark@cosy.sbg.ac.at> writes:

> Any hints or maps for me ?

Here are my maps:
amd.home -cache:=inc /cad amd.direct -type:=direct /information amd.direct -type:=direct /packages amd.direct -type:=direct /local amd.direct -type:=direct /source amd.direct -type:=direct /Vhdl amd.direct -type:=direct /PC amd.direct -type:=direct /Macintosh amd.direct -type:=direct /admin amd.direct -type:=direct /apps amd.direct -type:=direct /common amd.direct -type:=direct /AnswerBook amd.direct -type:=direct /usr/share/man amd.direct -type:=direct

Here's the thing - the direct mapped dirs (like /information) can't be
accessed by doing a "cd /information" - if you do that, then there is
nothing there.  However, if you do a "cd /information/information",
then the drive DOES mount, and all is happy.

My understanding of the problem (based entirely on heresy), is that
"geopt" is broken in libc5.  I went to install the new amd package in
hamm the other day to see if this problem goes away, and unfortunately
the new amd is linked against "libgdbmg1", which isn't available on the
common mirrors yet.  I'm waiting until it appears to experiment any


+--------------------  finger for pgp public key  ---------------------+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |
| dmartin@ececs.uc.edu    |     http://www.ececs.uc.edu/~dmartin       |

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