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Re: Dual Pentium Machines

Greg Vence wrote:
>Its time to upgrade...  What dual Pentium machines do people like and
>what have known problems?  I looked in LDP and didn't see anything
>regarding this topic.
>Thanx -- Greg.

I would suggest subscribing to linux-smp, and look at the archives for
the list, too.  I asked this question a week or two ago and then
decided that the Cyrix 200+ with a Gigabyte 586S board was the best
for the money(*).

Look at http://www.linux.org.uk/SMP/title.html for SMP Linux info, or
look at http://www.linuxhq.com/lnxlists/linux-smp/ for mailing list

If you ask for general information on motherboards, you will probably
be asked to look on the web for information.  The place I was refered
and re-refered to was http://sysdoc.pair.com/mainboard.html, but chop
off the filename for lots of general hardware information.

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>Trouble?  e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

(*): the board seems to have trouble with serial mice, and probably
serial anything.  It has two PCI devices that are "unknown PCI
devices" to linux.  The board has support for the Cyrix 200+ which
means it can generate a 75 MHz bus clock, without which the 200+
becomes a 160+ to 170+ or thereabouts.

Also, the board and CPU segfault without the Cyrix patch, and also
sometimes with it.  I have been playing with the RAM settings to see
if I can get it more stable; so far it seems good, but I haven't
tested it much yet.  You might want to email me before you buy one of
these, I am going to do some more testing tonight.  Also see the other
sources above of course.

$ sync
sync: error, already sinking

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