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Re: Winmodem

On 11 Jul 97 at 16:49, debian-user@lists.debian.org wrote:

> From:          pixar.com!bruce (Bruce Perens) 

> By the way, if the manufacturer had not gone out of their way to
> make it impossible for us to support, we would support the winmodem.
> They don't use the standard interface.
> They won't disclose the details of the interface.
> They won't write a device driver of their own.

  There is probably MAJOR financial uhhhhhh -- 'support' -- from a 
certain Mr. Gates which assists these hardware manufacturere in 
maintaing their eat **** attitude toward other platforms.

  I personally, however, suggest that anyone stuck with a winmodem as 
part of a system purchase threaten to return the whole system unless 
you are given a real modem.  If you bought it yourself, try to return 
it and pay the difference for a real modem.  

  I still don't understand the reasoning behind moving hardware 
functions into software.  Maybe I'm paranoid (-; but it all seems 
like a plot to force consumers to purchase upgraded machines.  It 
really looks like the reasoning goes this way: "Well, it looks like 
processors are finally fast enough to do whatever the consumer wants 
at an acceptable speed ---- So, what can we do to slow them down so 
they'll need faster CPU's next year?"

   Maybe 3Com will be more forthcoming with the info now that they 
have eaten USR?
Gerald V. Livingston II

Reply to gvl@plus.com

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