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xemacs20 crashes

Has anyone been able to run the new debian xemacs20 package?  It installs fine 
  with dpkg.  Mine keeps crashing with the following error messages when I try
  run it:  I really need help on this one. 



  vtorrico$ xemacs 
  Fatal error: assertion failed, file elhash.c, line 111, gc_in_progress 

  Fatal error (6). 
  Your files have been auto-saved. 
  Use `M-x recover-session' to recover them. 

  Please report this bug by running the send-pr script included 
  with XEmacs, or selecting `Send Bug Report' from the help menu. 
  As a last resort send ordinary email to `crashes@xemacs.org'. 
  *MAKE SURE* to include as much configuration information as 
  possible; at the very least what OS and hardware you are running 
  on, and hopefully also what compiler and compiler options the 
  binary was compiled with, what options XEmacs was compiled with, 
  whether you are using a prebuilt binary from ftp.xemacs.org or 
  compiled XEmacs yourself for your system, etc. 

  If at all possible, *please* try to obtain a C stack backtrace; 
  it will help us immensely in determining what went wrong. 
  To do this, locate the core file that was produced as a result 
  of this crash (it's usually called `core' and is located in the 
  directory in which you started XEmacs, or maybe in your home 
  directory), and type 

    gdb /usr/bin/xemacs core 

  then type `where' when the debugger prompt comes up. 
  (If you don't have GDB on your system, you might have DBX, 
  or XDB, or SDB.  A similar procedure should work for all of 
  these.  Ask your system administrator if you need more help.) 

  Lisp backtrace follows: 

    # bind (exact-p tag-set locale property face) 
    face-property(default foreground nil nil nil) 
    # bind (exact-p tag-set locale face) 
    # (catch #<INTERNAL EMACS BUG (opaque, size=4) 0x825ab40> ...) 
    # (unwind-protect ...) 
    # (unwind-protect ...) 
    add-spec-list-to-specifier(#<image-specifier global=<unspecified> 
  fallback=((nil . ...)) 0x9eb> ((global (nil . 
  "/usr/lib/xemacs-20.2/etc/toolbar/spell-cap-up.xpm"))) nil) 
    # bind (is-valid nval how-to-add tag-set locale value specifier) 
    set-specifier(#<image-specifier global=<unspecified> fallback=((nil . ...)) 
  0x9eb> "/usr/lib/xemacs-20.2/etc/toolbar/spell-cap-up.xpm" nil nil nil) 
    # bind (how-to-add tag-set locale value property glyph) 
    set-glyph-property(#<glyph (buffer) #<image-specifier global=<unspecified> 
  fallback=(...) 0x9eb>0x9ea> image 
  "/usr/lib/xemacs-20.2/etc/toolbar/spell-cap-up.xpm" nil nil nil) 
    # bind (how-to-add tag-set locale spec glyph) 
    set-glyph-image(#<glyph (buffer) #<image-specifier global=<unspecified> 
  fallback=(...) 0x9eb>0x9ea>

    # bind (glyph type spec-list) 
    # bind (cap-disabled cap-down cap-up disabled down up) 
    toolbar-make-button-list("/usr/lib/xemacs-20.2/etc/toolbar/spell-up.xpm" nil 
  "/usr/lib/xemacs-20.2/etc/toolbar/spell-cap-up.xpm" nil 
    # bind (prefix cons) 
    #<compiled-function (from "x-toolbar.elc") (cons) "...(65)"
  cons toolbar-icon-directory prefix featurep xpm toolbar-make-button-list 
  "-up.xpm" nil "-xx.xpm" "-cap-up.xpm" "-cap-xx.xpm" "-up.xbm" "-dn.xbm" 
  "-xx.xbm"] 9>((toolbar-spell-icon . "spell")) 
    mapcar(#<compiled-function (from "x-toolbar.elc") (cons) "...(65)" 
  [expand-file-name cons toolbar-icon-directory prefix featurep xpm 
  toolbar-make-button-list "-up.xpm" nil "-xx.xpm" "-cap-up.xpm" "-cap-xx.xpm" 
  "-up.xbm" "-dn.xbm" "-xx.xbm"] 9> ((toolbar-last-win-icon . "last-win") 
  (toolbar-next-win-icon . "next-win") (toolbar-file-icon . "file") 
  (toolbar-folder-icon . "folder") (toolbar-disk-icon . "disk") 
  (toolbar-printer-icon . "printer") (toolbar-cut-icon . "cut")
  . "copy") (toolbar-paste-icon . "paste") (toolbar-undo-icon . "undo") 
  (toolbar-spell-icon . "spell") (toolbar-replace-icon . "replace") 
  (toolbar-mail-icon . "mail") (toolbar-info-icon . "info-def") 
  (toolbar-compile-icon . "compile") (toolbar-debug-icon . "debug") 
  (toolbar-news-icon . "news"))) 
    make-device(x nil) 
    # bind (display) 
    # bind (debugger debug-on-error command-line-args-left) 
    # (unwind-protect ...) 
    # (condition-case ... . error) 
    # (catch top-level ...) 
  Aborted (core dumped) 

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