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Re: Cron and dying disk

David R. Kohel wrote,
:Someone earlier mentioned a cron job being run at 7:00 AM, complaining
:about the heavy CPU/memory usage.  I've found another complication.

:Does anyone have any suggestions on disk maintance, and how to keep a 
:flawed disk up?  Is this truely a hardware problem?  

Your problem is unlikely to be that of the cronjob.
To the best of my limited knowledge, the ~7am job
disk trashes are mainly for system-maintanence
stuff (check /etc/cron.daily/*).  It is very unlikely
these jobs can kill the drive so I'll suspect a hardware

:I understand that new hard disks have some measurable frequency of 
:flaws, but two consecutive disks suggests a very high rate of failure. 

Hmm.. remember an incident at sunsite.nus.  They had 
a series of disk failures and it turned out that the
entire shipment of disks was damaged.  The Computer 
Center speculated that probably the entire shipment 
box was dropped sometime during transit.

:The only other Linux user in my department apparently also had a disk 
:die (RedHat user -- we've covered the major distributions pretty well), 
:and I would also like to know if there could be some problem with the 
:the combination of a particular hard disk (or its configuration) and 

I have debian installed in several systems... I'm in 
the department next door (comp.sc).  mail me if you 
need help :).  We have a whole assortment of 
distributions here as well but people here prefers to
stick to redhat or slackware *shrug*.

:The university here has no support for Linux users, so they are 
:only confused when I try to explain that I don't run their installed 
:Win95/DOG system on the hardware they provided me.   

Sad isn't it.  A free beautiful os wasted in favour of 
buggy commercial bloatware.  They are switching to NTs
but I doubt they are very much too secure.  NUS, like most
other organisations, seems to like MS and loves to PAY 
(literally) for their mistakes.

	Just me,
	Wire ...
Tan Wee Yeh		wytan@post1.com		tanweeye@iscs.nus.sg
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