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Re: compiling with libc5

Hi Rick - 

I am *not* an expert on this, but I've asked about this stuff a little
before.  :-)

The altdev packages are intended to coexist with libc6-dev, in the way
the regular libc5-dev packages cannot.  So do keep that libc6-dev.
'Altgcc' is the compiler package intended to compile with libc5 under
that setup, and I think you'll probably need libdl1-altdev as well.
Those are the only altdevs in my list of packages from unstable.  

I haven't tried this setup myself, since I haven't yet needed to; I just
went from using libc5-dev to using libc6-dev.

Until recently, the other way to go would have been to stick with
libc5-dev and not install libc6-dev.  I did that until a gcc package
came out that only wanted lib6-dev, and I played along.  I couldn't say
what .deb version that was, but if the 'altdev' setup doesn't work for
you, downgrading gcc might allow you to back out of the libc6-dev
environment and go back to libc5-dev, straight up.

Hope that's somewhat clear,  

Ed Donovan					ed@capecod.net

>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Hawkins <rhawkins@iastate.edu> writes:

    Rick> I know we've gone to libc6, but I'm not quite clear on how to
    Rick> compile with libc5 instead.  I know I need libc5-altdev.  Do I
    Rick> need to remove libc6-dev, which also requires removal of
    Rick> libg++272-dev?  And do I need to install anything else?

    Rick> I'm getting some strange errors compiling development versions
    Rick> of lyx, and one of them suggested trying the older libraries.

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