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Need to talk with a smail guru about my smail list manager add-on

Well low and behold smail supports lists. Nice to find out since I couldn't 
get berolist to work  : P

What it does not have is a system to manage subscribtions, etc to the list, 
so I wrote one.

A few things I can't figure out:

How can I grab the orginal message and read it? (Like grabbing the subject 
during a -request?)

Even better how can I grab the orignal message and edit it to be passed on 
to the list? Like adding a footer, or changing the from line to the list 

Parsing the text I know how to do, it's just getting a hold of the message, 
and passing it along.

I also need to go over permissions and serucity issues with how I'm doing 
things, and how smail runigns thing. Righ now its only working with the 
members file set to 666!

Elite MicroComputers   908-541-4214      http://www.psychosis.com/emc/

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