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Re: Multiple partitinos

On Sat, 5 Jul 1997, Will Lowe wrote:

> Ok.  I'm experimenting with moving from 1 huge disk partition to a few
> smaller ones,  particarly /,  /var,  /usr,  and /home.
> The thing is:  the root systems's suppsed tobe in /,  so the system can
> boot if anything else's screwed up.  but mine won't boot unless I also
> mount /var ...somthing about _sumtp or something being screwed up.

I made my system the following way:
1) complete base system install on a single root partition.
2) copy /var to /usr/var
3) wipe /var and sym link /var to usr/var (I think I used relative paths)
4) formated and mounted future /usr at /mnt
5) cp -av /usr/* /mnt/
6) umount /mnt, mounted /usr partition over /'s usr

This gives me an emergency /usr and /var on my / filesystem that isn't too
big.  I think I can boot without my /usr partition, but I haven't tested
it.  You may want to try the following at the lilo prompt:
 "linux emergency" or "linux single"
I'm not sure if emergency will bypass the boot up scripts.  It would
probably be helpful if you posted the exact error message to the list and
where in the boot up process you were.


Brandon Mitchell                         E-mail: bhmit1@mail.wm.edu
  Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7877/home.html

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