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Re: Idea for deity. (dselect) Security hole alert system.


Dave Cinege wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Jul 1997 23:07:37 -0400 (EDT), Alex Yukhimets wrote:
> >> No I'm not willing to work on it, and no I have not thought out the > fine
> >> details, but I think it would be very useful and give Debian another
> >> sticking point as the 'De Facto Linux ISP Distribution'. Chew on it and
> >> see how it tastes....
> >
> >I'd prefer to chew on 'De facto Linux Distribution for Developers',
> >but I don't think either slogan would be accepted though.
> I didn't mean to imply Debian is geared toward ISPs, but that it is the best
> Distribution available for ISPs. (And my recommended feature would only
> strengthen that point)

well, nobody really installs slackware now, they only stick to it.
redhat is out because of the mess it makes in inetd.conf, namely leaving
a huge security hole in all the services it enables. so, i guess, debian
is the choice. those new posix compliant distros can come into play tho.


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