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Re: XFree86: "bad inconsistent state" of xserver-vga?

>>>>> "Bruce" == Bruce Perens <bruce@pixar.com> writes:
Bruce> The 1.3 CD has X 3.2, wait for the 1.3.1 if you want 3.3, or use FTP.

The XFree 3.3 packages appeared in bo-updates, but they are not there
anymore and were not moved into bo (as some other packages).  I asked
myself if they had been withdrawn.  Now you confirm the inclusion of
XFree 3.3 in Debian 1.3.1, so this is good news.

I'm waiting for 1.3.1 to order a CD, so what about the release date ?
Another user asked the same question, but it was not answered.  I'm not
asking a very precise date but something like "probably before august"
or "certainly not before september".


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