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Re: distribution page

On Sat, 28 Jun 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> Re: installation being bad news from CD-ROM drive, I've installed
> it about five times now and never had any problem, except
> with an old SoundBlaster-type CD-ROM drive; I just did an NFS
> install off another machine instead. I never found it to be
> any worse than Slackware, which I've also used in the past.

I just installed 1.3 on a Pentium with SCSI CD-ROM drive on an Adaptec
2940W adapter.  The Adaptec tried to play smart and assign the CD-ROM the
drive letter of A: after it detected it contained a bootable CD-ROM disc.
(In the BIOS I selected 'CDROM,C,A' as boot sequence - Award BIOS)

I then wrote resc1440.bin to a floppy and proceeded to install... of
course, without a glitch. :-) (RedHat doesn't ask nearly as clearly
whether or not it is allowed to mke2fs your partitions!)
I have successfully booted off the CD-ROM on at least three generic
computers with ATAPI CD-ROM drives.

I've been with Debian since 1.1 (upgraded from Slackware after my IDE disk
gave up again), have never had to reinstall, usually run off the
'unstable' directory on ftp.debian.org (using dftp).  With Slackware I
found I had to recompile a lot of the supplied programs - with Debian I do
not have that experience - on the contrary: if I install GNU software on
one of my employer's machines I usually apply the Debian .diff.

A couple of people's boxes on Undernet #linux were hacked some time ago.
All Slackware, with a buggy imapd installed.  Heh... Debian at least had
an updated package available, and has a link on their home page to a list
of fixed security problems.  Patrick just installed it for you.

On Debian again: I found that reading the documentation in the
disks-i386/current/ directory greatly helped, and I can imagine that
installing Debian can be awkward if you don't peruse the fine
documentation available.  And yes, dselect would look intimidating then.

With regards,


-- --- -------------- ----------------------- -------------- --- --
PIH     XXTP     SE     ICTL, BTIHTKY.     <niels@churchofbofh.org>
Note:  I do not speak for my employer  -  they have net.access too.

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