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Re: Unidentified subject!

>>>>> "Emilio" == Emilio Lopes <Emilio.Lopes@Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE> writes:

    BG> I thought that /usr/X11/bin/X was always a wrapper program
    BG> pointing to the correct server, so why do the X packages futz
    BG> around with this?  Why not just put this line in always?

    Emilio> Not everybody want a X server running on the display by
    Emilio> default. For example, I may want my Debian box to serve X
    Emilio> to *other* machines. Or if I setup the Debian box as an
    Emilio> Xterm, I may want to have xdm starting an Xserver via the
    Emilio> chooser.

Erm.. I hate to say it, but the people who are smart enough to do that
are smart enough to comment out the line.

Trust me -- I help staff the #Debian channels on EFNet and
irc.linpeople.org, and this is in the top 5 questions we get.

Maybe if it didn't BREAK so often..

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