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Re: Debian books

Well,  it seems to me that once debian is INSTALLED,  you administrate it 
just like any other linux,  unix  or *nix system.  There are a few 
quirks,  but it really isn't possible to say that one *nix is 
_standard_,  so you might say they're _all_ unstandard.

	While I can understand that someone might want to have a "Debian 
complete Manual",  I'm not sure it's possible.  Feel free to 
contradict me here,  those who are close to the project.  What would you 
put in a book?  Get them something like "Running Linux" and a copy of the 
"network admin's guide" ...
	As frustrating as it sometimes is,  debian isn't a unified system 
... it's a series of unified systems which all work together via the 
dependancies.  Knowing where to find a particular file or how to 
configure something is much less a matter of knowing which version of 
Debian you have that it is of knowing,  for example,  which version of 
the Xbase package you have.
	Maybe it'd be possible to have the package maintainers document 
their packages more thoroughly,  and distribute those.


Good Idea: 	Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
Bad Idea:	Feeding Stray Cats in the park ... to a bear.

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