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How does Debian sound?

While I was thinking of a logo for Debian, I started brainstorming about what "debian" is... I know, it's Debbie and Ian, but was thinking of something else. You know, Red Hat is just that, a red hat, and Slackware is, oh, well, slack. Then it occured to me that I don't know how do native English speakers (Bruce, Ian, and plenty of others) pronounce "Debian". I speak Spanish, and in Spanish there's a unique way of pronouncing "Debian". According to my dictionary, it goes like this:

* D, like the d in day
* e, like the e in pet
* b, much softer than the b in bass
* i, like see
* a, like a in father (american english)
* n, like in now

It's De-bian, two syllabes. For some reason, the first time I saw the word Debian, it reminded me of something supernatural. Browsing in my dictionary, I've come to the conclusion that Debian in English sounds *a little* like "divine". Something like "di'baian", with the last "a" like the one in "bat".


			Marcelo Magallón

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