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Re: XTerm-color

In message <[🔎] 33AB1D64.B0846016@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>, writes:
  >Hi all,
  >I would like to know what is going wrong with my setup for the Xterm:
  >I put the following lines in my Xresources-file (in /etc/X11)
  >#ifdef COLOR
  >*customization: -color
  >but nothing happened, when I start an xterm, it is still b/w.
  >I am using Debian 1.2.4 from the Cheapbytes CD with a 16 bpp
Look at /etc/X11/config

This is quoted from /usr/doc/xbase/README:

 Other X confguration options are in the file /etc/X11/config. This file
 consists of a list of options. Comments begin with a # symbol. If an
 option is present with a no- prefix, you should not be prompted about it
 by configuration scripts. If an option is not present at all then you
 may be prompted to supply a value for it when you run the configuration
 scripts in the future.

 The currently defined options are:
 * allow-user-resources

 If users have a file called .Xresources in their home directory, these
 resources will be merged with the default resources when they log in.

So ensure that this line exists in the file, if you want to use a private
.Xresources file.
Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                      http://homepages.enterprise.net/olly

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