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How to restore rockridge?

I hope somebody can help me how to restore a broken CD-structure. The CD was
written as a multi-session CD. The first session is more than 400MB-s, and
contains Debian 1.3 without the sources. It was written from a rockridge
cd-image (made by mkisofs), with all the unix-filenames, sym-links. etc.
It worked fine until I appended a new session to the CD, which happened to
be a joliet system (with WIN95-filenames). Unfortunately this caused an
unwanted side-effect on my first session: obviously the dir table was
re-written, and since the CD-writer doesn't know the rockridge extension, it
converted my filenames to the DOS 8+3 character format. So at the moment my
LINUX sees only short filenames on my first session, which makes it
impossible to install packages from it.
Any suggestions, how to make the CD correctly readable again? I don't want
to write a new CD. I even don't mind if I lose my second session.
Responses in private e-mail are preferred.

Attila Szampor

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