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Re: Cleaning Debian Filesystem...

In article <[🔎] 199706152213.RAA04167@cs.tamu.edu> you wrote:
 > Has anyone come up with a decent way to audit a filesystem... so the admin
 > can wipe out tons of stuff that is only partially installed or not
 > removed completely, etc. ?

I occasionally use dbackup to get a list of files which are not part of a
package. Put any directories not to search in in /etc/dbackup/prune. Dos
partitions, home directories and any NFS mounted sunsites are prime
candidates. BTW this can take a _long_ time to run.

 > I know when I remove some debian packages usuing dselect, it usually
 > throws tons of messages like "can't remove /blah/bing/bang/" which scroll
 > by too fast.  In the end, it seems like I have crap just sitting around
 > everywhere.

Often these are due to the package removing a directory before the files in
it are removed. IMHO dpkg should handle this better - e.g. by having a
"pending" list of directories to remove. More often than not they are
removed later on.

Hope this helps,

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