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Re: mirroring web pages

Besides wget you might also want to try WebCopy. The url is 
ftp://ftp.inf.utfsm.cl/pub/utfsm/perl/ and here's a small snippet from the 

   WebCopy is a perl program that retrieves the URL specified in a unix-like
   command line. It can also retrieve recursively any file that a HTML file
   references, i.e. inlined images and/or anchors, if specified with an

   It can be used as a "mirror" program to retrieve a tree of documents
   from a remote site, and put them on-line immediately through the local

The license agreement says this, I hope it's free enough:

      The author of this program is Victor Parada <vparada@inf.utfsm.cl>. 
      This program is "Freeware", not "Public Domain". 
      This program must be distributed for free, and cannot be included in
         commercial packages without prior written permisson from the autor. 
      This program cannot be distributed if modified in any way.
      This program can be used by anyone if the copyright and this notice
         remains intact in every file. 
      If you modify this program, please e-mail patches to the the author.
   [cut, more to follow]

// Heikki
Heikki Vatiainen                  * hessu@cs.tut.fi
Tampere University of Technology  * Tampere, Finland

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