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I just purshased a Toshiba 430CDS Laptop that I plan to run Debian on.  I have been running
Debian on a desktop for about a year now, so I'm comfortable with it.  

My question has to do with the PCMCIA cards that are available now.  I will need to run a 
modem and an ethernet card at the same time, and I was worried about cable interference and
thinking of the future (the machine only has two slots).  I figured the the 3com (3c562D) 
modem/ethernet combo card would do the trick, but a quick look through the Hardware and 
PCMCIA How-to's revealed that interrupts could be a problem.

Should I get separate cards, or a combo?  Price isn't a huge issue here, reliability is much
more important.

Thanks for the help.
"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."

Rob MacWilliams   robmacw@cl-sys.com

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