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slrn help please

I realize this is a bit off-topic for this list, but I currently cannot
access any news groups and hopefully someone here can help me with this

I have been using the slrn_0.9.3.2-2 package as a news reader and suddenly
it isn't working any more.  It turns out my ISP's news server just started 
asking for my user name and password.  When slrn sees this, it doesn't
know how to handle the request and also wipes out my .jnewsrc file.   

Looking at the slrn man page, I found that I needed the following:


I have tried all sorts of combinations of this, with and without quotes,
various forms of HOSTNAME (isp, news server, my local hostname, etc.) and
I still can't get things to work.

The error message I get is:  Server failed LIST ACTIVE

Does anyone have any ideas on this?



Bob Nielsen                 Internet: nielsen@primenet.com
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  w6swe@w6swe.ampr.org
                            AX.25:    w6swe@wb7tls.az.usa.noam

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