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Re: Debian generic kernal w/umsdos?


>This may be a trade-off you're willing to make - it just needs (IMNSHO) to
>be an informed decision.

I think I can live with it. This is for a primarily Win95 box, not a unix
server. If umsdos will work decently I should be able to be happy w/o ext2.

I'm not having much luck with the UMSDOS kernal I compiled. When I use
loadlin to bring it up it hangs trying to load root.bin. It says VFS error.
This is the generic root.bin, which works fine loading with the generic
kernal. I'm using the loadlin parameters from the debian install FAQ.

Do I need to make a custom root.bin to go with my custom kernal? How?



Robin Rowe, PM  SAIC San Diego rower@ise1.saic.com 619-225-3107
R&D in Internet video and speech recognition using Java and C++

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