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     I am running debian 1.2.4, and use smail ver 3.2-3. I have
configured it to use my ISP as a smart host.  /etc/smail/routers
includes the following:

        driver=smarthost, transport=smtp;

     This has worked fine for many months until May 31.  Since then
when I try to run the queue I get an error message similar to the

m0wbSvY-000ZEXC From: bob  (in /var/spool/smail/input)
                Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 11:33:44 -0400 (EDT)
                Args: -t -oem -f bob -oMP sendmail
bob:vc-1:bob>runq -v
khilliard@autometric.com: autometric.com matched by smart_host:
rhilliar@mc.seflin.net: mc.seflin.net matched by smart_host:
hilliard@metrolink.net: metrolink.net matched by smart_host:
    routed hilliard@metrolink.net --> hilliard@metrolink.net at
    routed rhilliar@mc.seflin.net --> rhilliar@mc.seflin.net at
    routed khilliard@autometric.com --> khilliard@autometric.com at
transport smtp uses driver tcpsmtp
transport smtp: BIND server failure: : Connection timed out
write_log:Deferred TO:hilliard@metrolink.net ROUTER:smart_host
TRANSPORT:smtp ERROR:(ERR164) transport smtp: BIND server failure: :
Connection timed out
write_log:Deferred TO:rhilliar@mc.seflin.net ROUTER:smart_host
TRANSPORT:smtp ERROR:(ERR164) transport smtp: BIND server failure: :
Connection timed out
write_log:Deferred TO:khilliard@autometric.com ROUTER:smart_host TRANSPORT:smtp
ERROR:(ERR164) transport smtp: BIND server failure: : Connection timed out

     I now have to go into DOS/WIN3.1 and use Eudora to send mail, which
is unacceptable.

     Does anyone have any suggestions as to a possible cure for this?

     I have asked my ISP if he has made any recent changes, but don't
expect much satisfaction there.


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