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Quota (?)

Okay, its been a while since Ive done these, so bear with me.  How do I do

I have compiled the kernel for quota support. 
I have run quotacheck for the required filesystem (/home)
Now, if I remember correctly I have to modify the fstab for the /home
entry and add a -a (?) to the option line?  Is this correct, or I have i
missed something?  Thanks.



electric RAIN					http://www.electric-rain.net/

In battle nothing is done without plan or on the spur of the momment, careful
thoght precedes action of any kind, and to the decisions recahed all actions
must conform.  As a result, the Romas meet very few setbacks, and if anything
does go wrong, the setbacks are easily cancelled out.  They regard success due
to luck as less desirable then a planned but unsuccesful stroke, because
victorious that come of themselves tempt men to leave things to chance, but
forethough, in spite of occasional failures, is good practice in avoiding the
same mistakes.
Josephus, the Jweish War, III.

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