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Re: PPP & Compression: Useful or Useless?

Adam Shand <larry@earthlight.co.nz> writes:

> No, the bsd_comp is link compression, it affect all traffic
> transmitted over the PPP link.

Ah, I see I should have read the man page before posting.

> Not all the many things support it.  What you are thinking of is VJ
> Compression (Van Jacobson) which was the difference between SLIP and
> CSLIP and is a standard part of PPP.

Right, this is what I was thinking of.

What I've been wondering about recently is under what, if any
cirumstances it would be a good idea to disable modem level
compression.  If all your're sending and receiving is gzipped data
(like running a debian mirror), then would it actually make sense to
turn off (some) modem compression?  This is because I've heard that
the protocols in the modem may actually slow things down when handling
already compressed data.


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