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Re: April Infomagic LDR & Debian

Glenn asked:

> Does anyone know if Infomagic corrected the missing files for Debian
> on their April LDR?

I complained about the missing files to InfoMagic and got the following


	This set was mirrored on the basis of what the Debian Folks
put on their site for a stable distribution.  We didn't include any of
the beta release.

henry m. pierce

Now there is a short uninterested reply if ever I saw one.  It is
possible that it is true though.  That's why I think it is a good idea
that there will be official CD images.  Maybe the Debian community
should not forbid anyone to just mirror the ftp-site, but it would be
nice if proven CD releases get an `official debian release' stamp or
something like that.  Obviously, InfoMagic is not going to get one.

An even shorter and less interested reply (i.e., none) I got from the
debian web master (webmaster@debian.org) however.  I commented that on
http://www.debian.org/vendors.html, there is a link to infomagic's
december 1996 CD-ROM set, which actually leads you to a page about the
April 1997 CD-ROM set, which misses a number of important files.  Maybe
it is a good idea to point this out on Debian's web pages, instead of
hinting people to buy that CD-ROM set, _which will not work_ (but then
again, maybe we don't care if they instead start using the Slackware or
RedHat version on those CD-ROM's (if _these_ work...)).

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer (tgakem@chem.tue.nl)          | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology             | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax    +31 40 2455054

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