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Weird Pine/Slang/Terminal interaction?

Here's the scenario ... I'm forced to use Win95 by my employer.  To get
to my Linux boxes I use either CRT, a shareware telnet client which I
really like, and F-Secure's SSH, which I also like.

About the time I upgraded to 1.3, I noticed that after running Pine (in
other words, not until I got to the shell prompt) there would be weird
characters on the screen; usually just two vertical bars on the far left
of the screen.  Sometimes I get underscores here and there ...

Now, here's the wierd part.  This almost never happens with CRT.  It
does happen with F-Secure's SSH, almost every time.  That makes me
hesitant to blame Pine, or Slang, or the Linux box at all ... after all,
we've seen a few other Windows programs that didn't do exactly what they
ought to do.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this, or am I once again
being punished by this OS on my desktop?

  Nathan Norman    :    Hostmaster CFNI    :    nnorman@cfni.com
    finger nnorman@cfni.com for PGP public key and other stuff
Key fingerprint = CE 03 10 AF 32 81 18 58  9D 32 C2 AB 93 6D C4 72

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