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rcp with root?

Hello All:

I just finished upgrading our Debian cluster to the frozen distribution
and now the mechanism we used for synchronizing important system files is
no longer working.  With the previous setup we used the rcp command as
root to copy passwd files and system.fvwmrc files to all of the machines
in the cluster from the master.  The authentication was through the
.rhosts file in the /root directory.

The .rhosts file seems to be still there and OK.  I can still rlogin
between machines using my personal user account, but any attempt to use
rcp as root results in a response: 'permission denied'.  

Is this a new security feature?  Is it possible to switch it off?  

Thanks in advance,


    *                            Carlo U. Segre                           *
    *      Department of Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences       *
    *        Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616          *
    *   Voice: (312) 567-3498                      FAX: (312) 567-3494    *
    *                            segre@iit.edu                            *

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