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Re: drop dead?

On Fri, 30 May 1997 tomk@westgac3.dragon.com wrote:

> I've been experiencing sudden loss of subscription to this list. No warnings,
> nothing to indicate that the list might have a problem with delivering mail.
> One day I will have new mail from the list, the next day, nothing... and
> nothing afterwards. Has anyone else had this experience as well?

The mailing list server logs indicate that you were unsubscribed for
excessive bounces twice since the lists moved to debian.novare.net and
templinux.bucknell.edu.  Smartlist removes addresses if it gets a certain
number of bounce messages back.  Those bounce messages are usually the
result of misconfigured mail servers, faulty network links, etc.  If it
was having trouble delivering list mail, it stands to reason that it would
have trouble delivering the unsubscription message.

I've recently increased the threshold for unsubscription on debian-user
*only*.  With the most traffic of the debian lists, it's also the most
likely to suffer bounce removals.  I get copies of the 200-500 bounce
messages a day, so I'm fairly certain that *in general* the list server
isn't making things up.

If anyone finds themselves getting unsubscribed regularly, please contact
me and I'll dig through the logs for further information.


Pete Templin, Debian List Administrator  listmaster@lists.debian.org

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
debian-user-request@lists.debian.org . Trouble? 
e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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