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Type1 fonts for X11

I recently installed Staroffice on my Debian computer. I found a problem, 
which is caused by Debian, not by StarOffice. When I start a screen 
presentation with star draw, it uses large X fonts, which look ugly, because 
they are zoomed pixel fonts. As far as I know, there are Type1 fonts available 
for Linux as well. Are there such fonts contained in any package?

If yes, please add this question to faq because many people willrun in this 
problem. Otherwise I would suggest to provide such a package.

If this problem is solved in 1.3, please send me an e-mail, and ignore the 

Rainer Dorsch
Abt. Rechnerarchitektur  e-mail:rainer.dorsch@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Universität Stuttgart    Tel.: 0711-7816-215

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