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gzip always gives me error

Dear fellow Debian users,
	Sometimes when I try to install a package, it gives me a
"gzip: stdout: Broken pipe: error. Numerous packages do this. Here's
the output from a few:

# dpkg -i offix-*

gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
dpkg-deb: subprocess gzip -dc returned error exit status 1
dpkg: error processing offix-execute_2.4a-2.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2

gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
dpkg-deb: subprocess gzip -dc returned error exit status 1
dpkg: error processing offix-files_2.4f-1.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:
# dpkg -i povray-manual_3.0.10-3.deb 

gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
dpkg-deb: subprocess gzip -dc returned error exit status 1
dpkg: error processing povray-manual_3.0.10-3.deb (--install):
 subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

No matter what I do, it gives me these errors. I have dpkg Version and gzip Version 1.2.4-14. What can I do to fix this problem?
Could it be in the kernel? I'm running 2.1.25 and haven't had a chance
to go to .41. Would that help my problem?

Also, is there a decent CAD program available for linux in debian format?
thanks a lot
My sig file is only one line long!

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