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#debian irc channel


Just wanted to remind you that #debian channel is still available.  In the last
month it grew quite a bit.  We usually have at least a couple of
developers on to answer your questions, and to simply chat on various
debian-related topics.  #debian is available on undernet and linpeople, the two
channels are linked via eggdrop bots, so no matter which network you use,
you'll get to talk to everyone that is currently on.  

For a list of undernet servers, go to http://www.undernet.org, or try
us.undernet.org server which will connect you to a random US server.
For a list of linpeople servers, see http://www.linpeople.org, or connect to

See you on #debian!
Proudly running Debian Linux! Linux vs. Windows is a no-Win situation....
Igor Grobman           igor@debian.org                 igor@digicron.com 

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Trouble?  e-mail to templin@bucknell.edu .

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