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Re: Latex to WinWord 6.0 :-(

Hello!  :)

On 23 May 1997, Kai Grossjohann wrote:

> >>>>> Paulo Ramos writes:
>   Paulo> Anyone know how to make this??

Kai> But there are quite a few people who opt to use SGML because it is a
> standard and thus has some amount of interchangeability.  Also, it
> allows you to do `semantic tagging' which is already possible with
> LaTeX to some extent.
> I would be interested in any ideas anybody can contribute, too.

There are some LaTeX <--> MS Word converter on CTAN (Comprehensive TeX
Archive Network???  (I forgot what the acronym stands for exactly... :))
I haven't tried them myself, and some of them are old, so I don't know how
well they work.  I remember surfing some pages (was it the LaTeX or TeX
FAQ?) comparing the pros and cons of some of those converters.  I haven't
tried them yet though, because I have been too obsessed with LaTeX.  I
don't know why; perhaps I have spent so much time learning LaTeX that I
would have wasted all these months if I go back to MS Word.  (I must have
a weird mentality.  :)

One interesting (and encouraging) note is that Corel WordPerfect 7 comes
with some utilities to do SGML.  Haven't looked into it yet.  :)

Another note: I found the following paragraph in the Colophone
of Programming Perl, 2nd Edition (the Camel book) :

  The inside layout was designed by Edie Freedman, Jennifer Niederst, and
  Nancy Priest.  Text was prepared by Erik Ray in SGML using the DocBook
  2.4 DTD.  The print version of this book was created by translating the
  SGML source into a set of gtroff macros using a filter developed at ORA
  by Norman Walsh.  Steve Talbott designed and wrote the underlying macro
  set on the basis of the GNU gtroff -gs macros; Lenny Meullner adapted
  them to SGML and implemented the book designed.  The GNU groff text
  formatter version 1.09 was used to generate PostScript output.

Before I read the above, I thought/hoped the book was typeset with LaTeX,
but now I suppose there are other alternatives too.  :)  Interestingly,
one of the Debian packages comes with DocBook 2.2.1 DTD:


:)  Anthony

Anthony Fok Tung-Ling            foka@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
Civil Engineering                http://www.ualberta.ca/~foka/
University of Alberta, Canada    Keep smiling!  *^_^*

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