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HTML in email

A sort of novice question:

I read my mail with pine.  Occasionally I get mail from this list and 
from others that has HTML markup embedded within it.  What causes this?  
Is it the sender's mail-enabled browser's problem or is it a pine problem 
on the receiving end?  I sometimes use a mail-enabled browser and I 
wouldn't want to unintentionally foist this PITA feature on anyone else.

Curiously, I tried to forward a recent example of this back to this 
list for comment and when pine entered its edit mode--the html markup 
disappeared!  I don't know what it would have looked like to the list 
recipients if I had actually forwarded it with my questions/comments.  
I'd appreciate anyone's insight as to what's going on.


PS to Pete Templin:  Lets see if this post makes it to the list--thanks 
for all your help by the way.

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